Wrapping up the 2021 Sailing Season - Part 1
I know many of you have been patiently waiting for me to post another update. Here goes part 1 of what was the last three weeks of my 2021 sailing season.
From Escondido on I would have no crew! The last three weeks of my first year of cruising I’d be going it solo on the boat however I would still be traveling with a minimum of 2 other boats; Catspaw (Rick & Cynthia) & Mapache (Rob & Sarah). Woah! Exciting!!! At times we caught up with other boats, or they caught up with us, making the fun more expansive. One family had a catamaran that I’ve previously wrote about, Skookum, which became the happy hour hub when we decided not to take the party to shore. Every cruising posse should have at least one catamaran! Thank you Skookum.
And, a huge thanks to Mapache & Catspaw for their tremendous support! From getting my outboard purring like a kitten (Rob of Mapache), to troubleshooting and resolving my overheating issue (Rick of Catspaw), to learning how to clean a fish (Cynthia, Catspaw), to having a fun hiking partner (Sarah, Mapache) I have so much to be grateful to these buddy boaters for!
Now, part 1 of a 2 part series. Enjoy!
Escondido -> Bahia Balandra -> Isla de Coronados