Sailing Off into the Sunset!

There is so much to let you in on but our time on land is quite short. We are meant to check out of the country tomorrow which means we are down to literally hours before we set sail. Excitement and nerves are playing tug of war on my nervous system right now. It still seems unreal that I get to have such an adventure.

In our float plan (that document you give to your important people, and the USCG, containing all pertinent information pertaining to our sail) we estimate 20 - 25 days underway covering a minimum of 2,800 nm. I say minimum in regards to distance because a sailboat rarely goes in a straight line. As for days underway one big factor is the moment we reach the Horse Latitudes, aka doldrums. This area on the globe is also called the Calms of Cancer & is notorious for low to no winds. Being a sailboat, and a heavy one at that, we need wind to move. Once we drop out of the trade winds we enter this becalmed region and could be floating for a few days. Don’t worry, we’ve got months worth of food, solar panels, and a powerful water maker.

If you’d like to follow our sail click the link below.

I am sure I will have lots of great stories to share once we reach the other side. For now, I gotta go sail somewhere amazing.

Until we meet again, be well!

~ Cheryl ~


Across the Big Blue Pacific


Preparing for Pacific Puddle Jump 2023