And, that’s a wrap…

Whoever said that the best two days of a person's life was the day they bought a boat and the day they sold a boat was only half right. 

When I sailed out of Portland two + years ago I felt my boat, my Wahine Toa, was my ride or die for the long haul.  I knew she needed work and I had big projects to look forward to but she was MY boat, my first boat, and there was much to learn and accomplish.

Coming down the Pacific Coast I would take on 2 sailors to help out.  In San Diego, in quite a serendipitous way, I met & brought on a young woman named Bree to round out crew.  This 27 yr old already had her 6-pack allowing her to skipper charter yachts in the San Diego area but she wanted more. This was to be her first off shore delivery.

All of us offshore sailors recognize one main need to keep crew healthy and well is sleep.  And, it's only with really good crew does the captain feel comfortable enough to really sink into a deep slumber.  Once Bree was on board how she handled herself on the boat gave me such comfort. After making my way all the way to So Cal from Oregon I finally got to sleep underway.  

Wahine Toa, a Morgan 38', is a fantastic boat.  Her layout is super easy and comfortable for either a single handed sailor or even a couple. When making a passage three people on board feel comfortable.  However, after having so many friends visiting along the way I got pretty tired of having guests sleeping on the couch in the living room, especially when their sleeping got in the way of me making my morning coffee (or tea). So, I began considering what it would be like to have a slightly bigger boat with a more guest friendly layout.  This thought I expressed out loud somewhere along the west coast of Baja California, Mexico.  

Bree, paying close attention to my ramblings, asked what I thought I would sell Wahine Toa for.  Of course I hadn't really put any thought into this idea so came up with an off the cuff price.  Bree's next question was if I would consider selling my sweet boat to her.  It appears that once Bree stepped foot on Wahine Toa she fell a bit love struck. After spending over a week getting familiar with the boat the two were really bonding.

This conversation took place in 2020.  In 2021 Bree asked again about buying Wahine Toa & if she could have a survey done.  Again, I hadn't formally decided to sell.  I had just made it down here and completed my first cruising season. I has just started this adventure! 

This area, Baja California Sur, is pretty known for having cruisers arrive, explore, & then sell their boats. Some just arrive and after getting the full on Pacific experience are ready to give up sailing forever. For whatever reason this is a hot spot for boats up for sale. Because of the market some people have to sit on their boats for quite a long time continuing to pay for slips & maintenance.The more I thought about the effortlessness of the possibility to make myself open to a slightly bigger boat, and bigger sailing forays on other boats to rack up more experience, I felt it ridiculous not to consider the offer. 

Another big factor was that I had grown to really love and appreciate this young woman.  Recognizing what courage and confidence it takes to step into boat ownership, and after experiencing her competence, I became invested in helping her to have what she was dreaming of.  So, we made a deal!

On October 1st Bree made her first payment and began co-owning Wahine Toa.  October 24th I picked Bree up from the local airport.  Two days later we went out to the nearby islands for Bree to step into her captainship of 'our' sailboat. 

It took all I had to step back and let her take over!  OMG!  However, for me love is expressed by ensuring someone can succeed without me.  I wanted her to do well and stood as patiently as possible on the sideline for when she needed coaching. She did amazing!  Remembering a great deal from her previous three weeks sailing on Wahine Toa in 2020/2021 she felt comfortable in her surroundings.  

Watching the way Bree handled the boat with loving care, attention to detail, and confidence really solidified my own confidence in my decision to sell.  You should have seen Bree at the helm in the 25 kt winds & 5' swell! So impressive!  

On the way back to port it dawned on me that my time on Wahine Toa was coming to an end.  Tears streamed down my face and stayed close to the surface for the next couple of days.  Even now my heart hurts and my eyes feel leaky just typing the sentence.  For those of you reading this who's immediate thought is 'it's just a boat', it's not!  

Wahine Toa represents what it took for me to earn her, learn how to be a good owner for her, and to step into the role of captain so I could realize a dream I've had for over 20 years.  Wahine Toa (Woman Warrior) reminded me what I am capable of. 

It all feels a little dramatic considering I will remain co-owner for a bit more time and Bree ensures me that Wahine Toa is still in the family.  She's admitted to considering me her 'spirit mama'.  <3. 

So, what's next for me???  Well, I have my heart set on a Pacific crossing to French Polynesia & beyond.  I dream of becoming one of those who can lay claim to a circumnavigation.  Doing that as crew is perfectly fine for me. 

I think taking a break from boat ownership sounds liberating for the time being. And, who knows, maybe my next boat is patiently waiting for me somewhere along the way.  I've got it in my head that a Kelly- Peterson 44' center cockpit would be the perfect fit.

Thanks for reading!

With you on the Journey

~ Cheryl 


One Last Sailing Hurrah in Baja!


F-RIB 275 - My experience, the company that ignores feedback & concerns, and the global publication that won’t amend their reviews.